Zhan Zhuang Kong: (βΦχ)
Zhan Zhuang Kong is a training method to keep certain posture for a long time and bring in the fresh and new Chi from outside and enrich the Chi of your inner body. By setting different finger position and shape of your palm as well as holding your consciousness, you can control where to store your Chi and flow of Chi inside of your body. If you can shift your breathing method from natural breathing to very shallow breathing (but not to stop breathing) like a baby in the motherfs womb, it will be effective.
It is important to set the right posture to perform Zhan Zhuang Kong. We can check the posture by measuring the balance of gravity on the knee, sacral bone, neck, and front/back of the body.
1. Three Circles Zhan Zhuang
This is the basis of most Chi Kong method. It is the method even the beginner can feel the Chi easily. We can say this Chi Kong is for the beginner.
2. Heaven, Earth and Human Zhan Zhuang
This Zhan Zhuang is for the intermediate level. The way of standing and posture will bring the Chi of heaven from your above and Chi of Earth from your bottom and connect them inside of your body and make one being of gHeaven, Earth and Humanh.
3. One Finger Zen Zhan Zhuang
This method has the hardness of advanced class. I recommend this method for the people who have learned Three Circles Zhan Zhuang and Heaven, Earth and Human Zhan Zhuang.
You can shift the Chi power of your inner body and fingers by changing the position of the fingers. It will become the real finger posture (θσ). It will maintain health and self-healing power within you. It will leverage your power to heal other people.
4. Sword Finger Zhan Zhuang
This method is also for the advanced level. For the people who wants to obtain the ability to heal other people. It is impossible to learn it if you have not acquire beginner and intermediate level of training. It is the very harsh training method of Chi Kong. You need to lift down your upper body to the very low position and hold the posture for a long time. If you are not in good health or you have sickness, I do not recommend you to do it.
5. Five Nails Golden Dragon Zhan Zhuang
This Zhan Zhuang method is for tonic property. It has effect of manipulative treatment and adjustment.
*In the past many Chinese priest trained this method for they wanted to have a strong body like gMetal (ΰ).h
Modern human tends to forget what the original standing posture was. This Zhan Zhuang Method is very useful to remember it.
6. Single leg Concentration Zhan Zhuang (PΪ\)
You need to stand on your one leg. It is a very high class Zhan Zhuang method. If you are not satisfied with the Zhan Zhuang using both legs, I recommend you to do this method. Weight and gravity of your whole body will be shifted on your one leg so it is extremely tough Kong. However, the volume and quality of Chi you obtain from outside will be bigger and stronger.
* Special training method of young Chinese priest in the past.
Continued to Static Kong
2007.5.6 L@